We are influenced by our surroundings since the moment we are born. Everything that happens around us begins molding what we come to be and how we are and react to things. Having those as a reference, we become sometimes a part of it all, like a "patchwork blanket".
The problem is when this influence begins taking control of us. Thoughts, opinions, judgment from the others affecting you more than it should. Then who are you in the middle of all of these influences?
We give too much power to others when we rely on them. When they dictate what is better for us. We give part of our energy when we open, and we become exposed. And there is another problem, we
may be giving too much power to our self, but the "wrong" parts of it.
Maybe we feed to much that part of fear and ego, or that part of insecurity and lack of self-confidence.
I believe the only way out of it, can be seen in The Ancient Greek aphorism "know thyself"
This may have been adopted from Ancient Egypt, related to Luxor Temple having two parts:
In the external one where beginners were allowed to enter, and in the internal one where a person could only enter after proven to be worthy and ready to acquire more insights and knowledge.
In the external one this sentence: "The body is the house of God.".
In the internal one: "Man, know thyself, and you are going to know the gods"
So what is the best way to Be, to manifest your True Self? By knowing yourself. Observing what is yours and what is not. What derives from the others, from the surroundings, even if you have linked something to you. Even if you believe that they are part of you because actually, they become like that.
Our "personality", our life in this present moment, this lifetime, in this matter, is derived from those influences, but unless we get to the core of our inner beings, we will be nothing else, but just an echo of what is around us.
When we see ourselves alone, in silence, many things tend to occur. Some deal pretty well with it, some just can`t stand their own silence, because they begin to hear, first, all the noise they have inside, and second, they begin to see and realize things that they were not able to perceive before, due to too much external noise and "pollution".
Facing Silence is facing yourself. Being alone, turning yourself to your inner side, is a journey into your real Self.
“Great power and forgotten mastery hides in the unspoken art of interpreting the forbidden language of silence. ☥”
~Luis Marques 17.01.2017
It is a hard work when you decide you want to know yourself, it is a hard work when you actually begin seeing things, and not many endure on that.
It is even painful. To see your many faces and masks, to accept things, and to see how many things you keep in denial. You may deny you are a proud being, egoic. You may want to deny you suffer from these external influences saying: "Oh no, I am really like that", or the opposite "this is not me, I was under the influence of the others". The only important thing is to not lie to yourself. It will only hurt you, it will only prevent you from evolving.
It is not a sign of weakness when you recognize that you are indeed weak. That you suffer from those influences, that you have so much self-work to do, that you do not even know where to begin.
But I believe that, once you think about it, you have already begun.
So Silence is a powerful tool and initiator. A sense of isolation sometimes is interesting, because, metaphysically speaking, there is less external energy influencing ours. But, living in complete isolation, without getting in touch and experiencing the surroundings is not helpful either, as you can only get elements of comparison when you live them when you go through the experience and have a parallel to speak about them and compare what is and what is not.
You then can dispose of things that are not yours. You begin seeing what you are not.
There is something else I was thinking today, that also relates to knowing yourself, and influences.
Sometimes we focus too much on a "final goal". And then in a moment, you realize that maybe, what you thought to be the main objective, was actually the means for you to achieve other things.
Somehow you put yourself in this thought on focusing too much, on looking too close, and lacking perception of what the Universe has to offer, that it can offer much more.
There is a natural flow in the Universe that, when you are able to feel and work with it, things happen. You do not force, you do not go against the current. You are not influenced by the wrong things, being external or the ones you created yourself. You just feel, by not feeling. You just surrender. Not in a way you don`t care and " get whatever comes". But in a way to work in cooperation with it. Adapting the sails of your boat.
There is a beautiful tweet from a special person I would like to share:
"The moment you realize how the Universe is only willing to work in accordance with your True Will, you become aware of how powerful, and at the same time powerless, you are in front of it. A terrible and beautiful moment of limitless potential, surrender and acceptance."
~ @Naverya 20.01.2018
So that may be it. A Self-work, self-observation, knowing ourselves, surrendering to the Universe aligned to our True Will.
But to get to the point of being able to at least feel, it brings us back again to the zero point: Know yourself.
It is conflicting, it may be funny sometimes, painful, chaotic. But in the end, there will be nothing left but You. It may take lifetimes, but something is being done. The Path is being walked, the Journey is advancing.
No matter the tools you are using, no matter what means. Just get to do something done. See what tools align with yourself. Occultism, spirituality, magick, everything has an infinite number of possibilities, One is right? One is wrong? One is best?
The best one is that one that changes you, even if it gives no results. At least the trial showed you something.
And as the Tao states, the non-action, the non-being is much more powerful than we believe.
So that may be the Real Power. One that, as Luis Marques says: gives control back to Self.
It is a sense of self-empowerment. The right one, in the hands of who should be in control of it, not the others, not the wrong parts of us, but real Power is there.
And this power will help us to break from the prisons, the external ones, and most important, those ones created by ourselves.
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