Balance - Therapy
The importance of balance in the journey of the occult and spiritual evolution is something essential. Given the nature of how studies and practices can delve into profound places within us, it is imperative that mental health is always a priority.
It is not uncommon to see suggestions for people to undergo therapy and how beneficial it is for life in general, as it improves various aspects. Combining therapy with studies focused on occultism/spirituality becomes of utmost importance because, as mentioned above, there are places within us that are often unexplored or that we would rather not deal with.
Another issue is that the ego often becomes exaggerated, causing various emotions to surface, one of them being the feeling of being "all-powerful." There can be a mix of feelings, from selfishness, arrogance, and an excessive sense of importance to the opposite, the sensation of fighting for everything, believing oneself to be the owner of the truth, the most spiritually evolved being on Earth, etc.
When dealing with the therapeutic process, it is possible to use it in a very beneficial way, precisely to cope with these feelings and emotions that arise or intensify in our spiritual journey. It often makes us realize very relevant things, such as the case of "fantasies and assumptions" created by our minds to deceive ourselves.
This does not invalidate "paranormal" experiences, as I myself have gone through and continue to experience various situations that are deemed "unexplainable." However, I also acknowledge, much more nowadays, the traps of my own mind in creating situations.
We know that there are many things that are beyond our perceptions, explanations, etc. This world, being a "projection" of the "real" world, is far beyond what we can perceive with our senses, which are still limited. Just like science, which gradually evolves and confirms or refutes already established theories.
Therapy deals with very individualized issues of the person and will aid in the recognition of certain situations, allowing us to analyze, apply, use, or discard them. It is not an obligation or an official requirement, but an additional tool for the formation, evolution, and growth of the individual.
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