Today I was just thinking about people in general.... how some just don't care.., they just live their lives, how actually human, people, adults.. are just grown up kids... we still have our fears, our doubts... our dreams… The difference is that when we grow up, we just get the things in our hands, and we have to try to figure out life, how to do, what to do. But in the end, it is like “nobody knows anything, but pretend they do”.
Then we look around, and the world is diverse in everything. it is like a living thing, a huge masterpiece happening at this very moment, alive, like a cosmic dance.
But we see people that just … exist, like they are sleeping, it is like a dream and they don't realize it. We can see, notice by the look in their eyes, they are kind of opaque, they do not seek for answers, for more... they just live in artificiality, and they are happy with that.
There is not that spark of light we can notice in the eyes of those who dare to explore. Like that different light, we see in the kids' eyes, those curious eyes that challenge the world.
Not that me, you, people that somehow think in a different way, are better than anyone, but some, like us, just think and see everything in a different perspective.
Many times, it begins when we are kids. We are the “weirdos”. Our thoughts and actions are different. We even see and sense things, others don’t. We question, we are eager for answers.
But being like that has a price. Others point at you, exclude you, make fun. You feel lonely, misplaced…
So it made me think. It is more comfortable to be asleep.
It is very hard to be the way we are, aware of reality. A being that is there to question, not satisfied with this fake reality.
It is a paradox, we are the ones that somehow suffer, and are misunderstood...
It is like we are “the strangers” in a world that is not really ours, and that makes me think: why? why are we here?
There must be many things for us to learn, and to exchange, even teach, but it is hard, it is a different vibration, we have different thoughts...
The movie Matrix comes to mind. When you truly know, then you are aware that it is just a fake world, and there is more. Many other things come to mind.
For times, we try to explain life, a reason for everything. There are many paths, religion, philosophies, the most diverse ways of trying to explain it. And they serve each individual, as they align with them.
It is really a hard work. One that makes us go after the answers, outside but most importantly inside. A work of dedication and patience.
"There are concepts, notions which can't be described through limited physical language. There is no book or being that could ever teach them to you. The only key to finding and understanding their meaning is by looking inside - inner discovery. Such understanding can't be rushed."
~Naverya. 02.02.2018
Truth is, that when we question, we are some steps ahead of those who just go with the herd.
It is hard to say this is what works, this is real, since it may be for me and not for you.
But in the end… what is everything? All those silly debates we engage into, small worries, big changes, everything we do here in this life, happy moments, sad moments… aren’t they just a chapter of a bigger and endless story?
Many tools can be used to keep the Journey, to enhance our knowledge, our wisdom. The important thing is the Will to go after it.
The sense of being comfortable brings us stagnation. People want to either feed from instant reward or just stay where they are. Going after answers is hard, but a fantastic quest.
Remember that how you see the world is not necessarily reality. What you see is a distorted perspective filtered through your perception. ☥
~Luis Marques. 08.04.2014
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