quarta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2018
There is duality in everything we do in our lives. We are always surrounded by opposing things that complement each other. Over time we will learn and realize that balance is the secret to a successful Journey.
However, we are often faced with difficulties that prevent us from realizing what needs to be done. We hang too far to one side or the other, and we despair, thinking there is no other way out. Until we suddenly get out of that whirlwind of confusion, and we can breathe again, a sigh of relief.
When it comes to occult-related studies I've been reading a few articles that discuss the importance of having a balanced way to deal with personal, spiritual, and intellectual development and growth.
There is a way that is connected to readings of works and writings on the most diverse subjects. A standard study, where the person deals only with certain material to a certain level, and then only to other studies.
This is the academic study, where the student goes up degree after degree (many initiatory orders use this structure.) It is a more scientific than a perceptive study.
The other path is the path of perception. A sensitive path, of intuition. There is more practice, the contact with the energies of the cosmos, of nature, of the metaphysical world.
A Path of Intuition. This is the path of insights, which binds with ancestry and past lives. We could use as an example the (real) witches and other systems where the contact with the inner self is constant.
When it comes to balance, I think the two paths complement each other. Everything that is only theoretical, scientific, and solely studied, will lack in practice and application. And he who is completely attached to his intuition only relying on it, without seeking a better theoretical basis, explanations, and the knowledge acquired through academic studies, would not be a magician.
I think magick happens on a daily basis, in the simplest things, and for it to happen the intertwining between study and practice is essential. As in the very Caduceus of Hermes, where we see this connection translated into symbolism.
In addition to every theoretical and practical part, there are several paths within each one, various ways, and you can not delimit something by saying that this is right and that is not. We all seek some kind of answer, we have our own personal Journey. Often the tools we need are within ourselves, and it is all that we identify with. That special issue that suddenly catches our attention, and it is through it that we connect and our learning and evolution may happen. Something we have an affinity, we feel good, we align with. It resonates with us, echoes within us.
As I already wrote in another post, it is not that we cannot acquire new things, to tread new paths. This is always welcome. What we should not do is to give up something that we know would be right for us, to worry about what others might think. Because we think it would be conflicting, or that one would invalidate the other.
Everything that was written until today; that was created like theories, systems, philosophies, religions, was made by people. And people are flawed. Everything is created from the point of view of the observer, of what he feels. Then the mistake would be to follow something just because someone wrote it. Because at that moment this person or group of people said, "I think it's this way."
We should always feel. Analyze with the critical and rational mind, and pass things through the filter of the heart.
Mind and heart complement each other. But it is not the rational mind that will put us in touch with the "Self". It is the heart.
Trusting just in intuition can take our feet too far off the ground, blinding us from concrete truths, causing us to lose ourselves in illusions for example, or to be swallowed up by our "trips" and mental "traps".
If we keep too much on the theoretical level, it can make us an excellent speaker, but one of those boring people who can only speak of theories and quotations of books, a pedant.
When we can bring both together, we work theory in practice, and we can bring logic to the intuitive things we do.
Events are no longer mere mechanical rituals. And those that occur naturally find better ways to be explained and improved.
So let us seek balance, not a total explanation of something, but to become that, as we should become the Tao.
domingo, 18 de fevereiro de 2018
Path of Choices - Understanding and Wisdom
The continuity of evolution depends solely and exclusively on the will of the individual to move forward. Once the path begins, it falls apart behind us, and it does not exist too far ahead, just those few meters where our feet touch the ground can only be glimpsed.
Once started, there is no return. Perhaps a withdrawal which can lead to stagnation, a deviation, but never a return, or a forgetfulness of what has begun.
One interesting point that I think, however, is that we revisit old acquaintances in our trajectory. Around us we come across familiar landscapes, we encounter repeated challenges and obstacles that we believe we have overcome.
We can think that we have reached the maximum we could on a certain thing, that we have exhausted the subject and in our illusion, we believe that we no longer need to return to that place. There we deceive ourselves. We go and we always have to return to certain things, some that may have been unfinished or because they simply need a new perspective.
If we think of three paths, using even the pillars of the tree of life as a reference, we can trace some parallels, both psychologically and esoterically. We are visiting and will always visit and revisit the aspects related to each of these pillars. We will be in moments more linked to certain behaviors when in a next moment, that seems to have been surpassed and we move, dealing with the whole issue by another behavior. But the illusion, again, rests upon the one who thinks that he has already mastered and completely overcome the path that was previously walked.
We will have to go back a few times and come across the decisions that we made and that this time may have another answer. That familiar feeling of "hey, but I've seen it before" may come, but that's where wisdom comes in, to apply many of the things we've gotten along the journey, to deal with problems that are simple but repeated.
It's not about reinventing the wheel, but about refining it.
Over time we learn to observe our behavior a lot, and being aware of it is an important key, otherwise no matter much we revisit certain things of the past, the view will be the same, the mistakes will be the same, and perhaps learning does not even happen, for failure to perceive the lesson behind them.
It's an interesting feeling even when we meet these old acquaintances, and this time we have other ways to respond, to deal, or just to be silent and smile.
Our inner demons no longer haunt so much, and become allies, as the shadows are perceived, studied, and learned. Our victories are still celebrated, but without the children's enthusiasm to think that it is only that and that is the endpoint. We come to want more, but not for dissatisfaction, but for knowing that the ultimate goal is often the journey itself.
It is also an exercise when we come across our self from long ago, acting in its jovial, fearless, crazy, fool impetus that starts from the 0 point and departs in search of answers getting lost in the enchantments of the garden, becoming dazzled and fascinated with everything.
Then comes the time, wise old man in bringing his teachings, often painful, but that is making us more cautious, calmer, less rash.
We go up and down the steps, open and close the doors, repeatedly visiting the same rooms, looking at the same windows, but noting that the landscape is changing, and our way of seeing and interpreting it as well. What I thought yesterday is different from what I see today, and will probably change tomorrow.
We have lessons that we learn in many different ways. We have little ways that serve us for some time. On this path, we have tools that we use and learn, and then move on. There are things that serve our purpose at that moment, which are useful for the real work, the Great Work, but which in the next moment we no longer see so much use for them. We need to get rid of what is not useful now and make room for the new one. But not forgetting that knowledge was acquired with what was studied previously, and when we least expect it we make use of it.
And as I wrote above, it may be that we need to go back in those old ways to get something that we missed or that at the time was not accessible, or understandable.
We can apply this thought to many things in our lives, to various subjects. Those who deal with matters related to the occult know that stagnation occurs and that it must be overcome by the use of Will.
Let us not remain attached to the concepts of what we have now, and which in the next moment can change. Just do a little exercise in observation and see how we deal with certain issues today and how we dealt with them in the past.
The very subject of occultism, vampirism, for example. Many things have changed over time, not speaking in general, but speaking of one's personal vision and interpretation. How each one of us perceives it today and how we used to do it before. Regardless of how long you deal with it, there is always a change in the way you see things.
Thinking in a metaphorical way: The interpretation of what we see depends on the light that is upon the object, so throughout the day, with different types of illumination coming from the sun, we can have different perspectives, as well as when we are in the dark of night, and we only have the company of stars. We may be in the same place, with the same landscape, but the way of seeing and feeling changes completely.
We also know that to be improved, things need to be done countless times and over and over again, like martial arts training. In order to reach perfection, a hard, tiring and repetitive work have to be done. So it is with our Journey. Notwithstanding that the path is built as we walk, and disappears behind us, the little paths will always remain there, for we know that many things, in fact, need to be revisited.
As I wrote many times before, I cherish the fact I can walk my Path with freedom, making my choices, revisiting things, stopping to take a breath, and admire the song of a sunset or a silent dawn. Little by little the steps are taken, in an eternal flow of energy, in the cosmic dance of the Source.
“To seek freedom is the only driving force I know. Freedom to fly off into that infinity out there. Freedom to dissolve; to lift off; to be like the flame of a candle, which, in spite of being up against the light of a billion stars, remains intact, because it never pretended to be more than what it is: a mere candle.”
― Carlos Castaneda, Don Juan: the Sorcerer
terça-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2018
Rainy days...
I can see beauty in those rainy days, the ones where the sky is gray and the air is fresh.
Some wild birds wandering and fishing by a small pond, away from the view of passersby who seem to be reflective or just worried about getting to work on time.
People with their umbrellas or riding their bicycles without them not caring much about the drops of water caressing their faces.
Some cars going around, and I hear the mix of sounds of nature and mundane artificial noise happening from time to time.
I can inhale the cool air, and feel the smell of wet grass, while I still hear the birds singing.
There is a beautiful message in all of that. Maybe not that happy one like we feel in the hot summer days, where the energy seems a little more extroverted. Yet, there is something to be felt, and it is meaningful.
It is the same feeling when we become thoughtful, sometimes introspective.
It is not a sad landscape, but it is one where things seem to happen far, within a more distant part of ourselves.
Looking through the window I can see life happening right now, presenting itself in every little detail.
The gentle breeze moving the curtains, the flowers exhibiting their colors in contrast with the gray scenario, people and their duties, the natural flow, and all that happens in a plane where things cannot be seen, but only felt.
Where rational mind cannot go further, and only the heart can reach.
Outside, the cloudy day may seem dull for some, ugly for others, and sad for a few.
I say it is a matter of how we are feeling, becoming an exchange between what we see and how much it affects us back.
A reflection of our inner world.
"The transcendence that lives in simplicity is primal key to the elusive alchemy of spiritual essence. ☥"
~Luis Marques. 23.09.2015
domingo, 11 de fevereiro de 2018
Roads, steps and choices
There are many reasons why we do many things and make certain decisions. Our choices have consequences, which often cannot be changed. As a path that is being built as you walk it.
Roads are altered, created and destroyed as we pass through it.
We tend to use certain tools to go after our answers, and they can be linked to different things.
What is our motivation to keep going? Why are we doing what we are doing? What for? What will we do with what we learn?
I was reflecting on the things that drive us to seek certain subjects.When we want to know more about specific things. The sense of identification that each being carries within itself and which points in one direction.There is always something that draws us. A place, a culture, some history. Even if they are completely different from the life we have now. Something internally connects us to something else.
At a more basic level, we can see people in their everyday life just saying they feel an attraction to a culture, being it just for the decoration, or for the well-being that it brings.
It is very common to see Indian, Egyptian, Oriental things being used in this way. Some, respectfully, others, unfortunately, make exaggerated and even misrepresented use of things that are, first and foremost, Holy.
An example of this is the use of symbols in tattoos. There is a popularization of using these symbols just to follow a fashion, or look “cool”, not resorting to its true, deep meaning. Some might say it's just a drawing, and that people who have similar thoughts are exaggerating in criticizing someone else for putting a sacred symbol on their logo or in a tattoo. However, I am saddened by this popularization of the occult things and of what is sacred to many.
Going back to what I mentioned about identification, generally speaking, we see that many things are influenced by the most diverse cultures, especially people who have a slightly more open and receptive mind to these things that many consider "different." It is curious to note that many who enjoy what is called the “mystic and esoteric”, sometimes receive criticism, or are the subject of more diverse comments. But all those who somehow appreciate a little of this diversity that things connected with the mystic, esoteric and occult bring, are pointed like “different or eccentric.”
We will receive criticisim. It can be because of the things we like, the passion we deal with them, the subjects that for others may seem "weird". And the criticism may come even from those who are also involved with similar things, but just don't understand why you do things the way you do.
The ignorance of those who misunderstand your world and existence is commonly echoed through judgment, cynicism, fear and lies. ☥
-Luis Marques. 12.08.2014
But what is it that leads us to this search and which then directs us towards certain things, subjects, populations, cultures, and epochs?
Some might say that it is just a matter of affinity, others it is the wisdom of being open to learning from the diversity, and there are those who can say that it is something from other lives. A continuity of our eternal Journey.
It is because of this diversity that we can learn a lot about many things, but it is also one that creates conflicts. For that with which I have an affinity and leads me to seek my answers through this subject may be completely divergent from what others seek and use as a tool.Even if the goal is similar in the end: finding the answers to the questions that each one has within them.
Which tools are used, and which paths are traversed, go in parallel with what we have within ourselves. It would not be like picking up an empty soil and trying to plant something there, but to feed the seeds that already exist.
Not that the new cannot be learned, cultivated. But what I often see to germinate are pre-existing things, which are reinforced as we come into contact with what awakens them.Many things we sometimes see, feel, perceive, act as triggers, and then set us in motion.Everything is within us. Our search, our motivation, our doubts, our answers. I think observance of the self very important to be done, in a detached way, without judgment.
Many already have that urge to look at something with an anticipated sense of criticism: "I do not know what you're going to say, but I disagree." Many say, "I am like this and I will not change." This would be something limiting, as expansion is needed for the desired growth.
An interesting thing is the fact that we often go through something and do not perceive the deepest nuances. We need to revisit the same things more than once because they always have new things to teach us, we have new perspectives as we gain a better understanding.
So what attracts us, for which we have a passionate connection, must be followed. Often it is the direction our heart points to, not only our mind. Not being thus an acquired intellectual knowledge, but an inner wisdom attained.
So what are your tools? What moves you with passion? Gather them, use them to help you.
But, there was a sentence I read yesterday that has an interesting meaning, regarding everything we acquire in life, the knowledge, the things we "put in our bags" to help us, but in the end need to be discarded, as what is left is the result of it.
"Pack your bags and go to the station without them. Catch the train and leave your self behind." — Wei Wu Wei — via @ TaoEssentials
Let us follow the path that attracts us, keeping us also receptive to what can reach us sometimes in a surprising way.
Many things can be learned, through the simplest things, not needing to be in complex books full of symbologies, rituals, and ceremonies. The secret is knowing where to look, how to perceive and be able to acquire knowledge and wisdom through the most diverse forms of learning that are presented to us.
Often these small lessons come in the form of events, whether light or intense. Or through people who with a few words or even their silence are able to present us with very significant things.
There will be times when we will be content, others where everything will be chaotic and lead us to a desire to give up. There are also serene and peaceful moments. Knowing that everything is impermanent generates a respect and a better understanding that we are in constant movement.
Then the little keys can be found, precisely in those things by which we feel a strong and deep connection. Be for some a philosophy, for others a religion, and others just symbologies and studies. What is important is that it resonates within itself, and reflects its own interior, bringing what already exists for it to evolve.
We all have our way of doing things, of acting. Our qualities and our failures. The secret is to realize them.
"Observation is the tool of the Wise, the power of the Initiator and the compass of the Conqueror. ☥"
-Luis Marques. 17.07.2012
quinta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2018
Spirituality and diversity
Spirituality. When people face this word, many ideas and concepts come to mind. Most of them derived from influences we have always had in our background. Education, culture, society, parents, religion, dogmas. We are, all the time being affected by all that surrounds us.
Frequently, when the term spirituality is mentioned, it is a commonplace to think about the idea of a religion, of a closed system a person should follow.
There is an array of definitions which are easy to be found online for the term, but that is not my point here. I always observe Spirituality as something with no limitation. Being something felt, rather than just studied. It is an internal and personal experience where some may relate to specific religion, other to a diversity of paths.
Today I was thinking that, in order to achieve many things in our pursuit of growth, a Spiritual maturity is fundamental. A better understanding of life in general. It is linked to some articles previously posted, about how we become aware of many issues, awakened beings for reality.
We should consider not only intelligence and rationality but also a level of internal maturity. To be able to work with magick, occultism, and other applications of this world, there is an element connected to an internal alchemical process. So, in my case, I like to call it Spirituality, and the Spiritual maturity.
A person may seek magick in search to perform things, be capable of amazing actions, etc. But, in my humble opinion, unless some maturity is achieved, and this maturity is in the level of spirituality, the work may be defective and incomplete.
Conceptualization may come from an idea of being good and kind, and many would associate it with RHP. I think this is labeling. And that is something I do not like to do.
In my post about kindness, I talk about how we can be kind and gentle, no matter our Paths. And being polite, caring, does not mean you may not be a person that also walks in the shadows, deals with darkness. Some things do not need to be exposed, nor used as a mask trying to fancy an idea of “bad guy”, or “wise person”.
People can have their beliefs, their practices, embrace their darkness, however that does not mean they need to have an aura of evilness, or that they will build a character or wear a mask just to bring an idea.
Real knowledge is noticed. Wisdom is perceived and not claimed. Many things do not need to have a loud voice, they show themselves even in the most incredible silence.
Talking about Silence, this is another concept I was wondering about. When reading about how much we need silence to better understand things, the thought could be that we need to be quiet all the times, having no kinds of interaction, not even speaking. Like a vow of silence, or something like that.
But, ok. Then, we decide to go silent. We even isolate ourselves a bit from mundane things. We do not interact much, and we believe we are being silent. Thereupon we are alone and get our mobiles. We chat, go after information, just scroll the screen. We are silent, “externally silent”, but we have so much noise inside that we fail again to listen to the True voice of Silence and its teachings.
That Silence that brings stillness of mind. That calmness. That peace.
Real Silence is necessary. I love to be in silent places. I love to be alone with my thoughts. The problem is when my thoughts are louder than the world outside. I believe it is possible and necessary to shield yourself. Bring the silence even to a noisy and crazy world.
All these things I have been thinking, connect to the Path I am following. And I am glad it is not a limiting one.
I have always felt bad about things that try to tie me up. I have been in contact with some different kinds of religion, beliefs, philosophies. Always as a student, as a curious person, an interested one. I believe learning may come from many different sources. And for me, it became important to do everything in a detached way.
This brings me to Asetianism. I see it as Path that gives and brings freedom. Never a closed system, one that demands you to do things, follow specific ideas, perform specific actions.
Freedom, one of the points that made me feel comfortable. Diversity, the second one.
The study of many different things is of extreme importance. Being able to benefit from them. Knowledge is shattered all around, and many pieces of the big Puzzle may be found amidst different things.
So why limiting ourselves by getting attached to a single thing? When we allow ourselves to be open, even not following some ideas, we can benefit from the teachings. We can see how things manage to connect. One being complementary to the other. There are so many things around the world, and when we are able to see, feel, respect and be open to them, we become powerful beings, and that is because we have knowledge.
Knowledge is something nobody will ever take away from us.
" There is truth in the thought that power is conquered by strength and a mighty weapon. That weapon is knowledge. ☥"
-Luis Marques. 09.10.2014
I think they are a combination of elements that made me really interested. The diversity, the freedom, and the amazing inclusive world that it presents us.
It is like a tree with branches and then fruits. And the roots are profound, bringing what is necessary to establish a strong foundation, so it has a solid growth. The branches going in different lines, also dealing with different aspects of things, as they are facing different directions, thus being able to see from different perspectives. Then the fruits come, and they reflect the Tree. Having some differences in shape, color, size, but their main substance is still the same.
So, when a person is free to explore this diversity, and there is an incentive for that to be done, it is something I admire and respect.
We can deal with different things, not conflicting ones and we can and should learn from the diversity, as Luis Marques says, many things hold pieces of the whole puzzle.
"No enunciation of the Truth will ever be complete, no method of training will ever be suitable for all temperaments, no one can do more than mark out the little plot of infinity which he intends to cultivate, and thrust in the spade, trusting that the soil may eventually be fruitful and free from weeds so far as the bounds he has set himself extend....”
-Dion Fortune, Esoteric Orders and Their Work and The Training and Work of the Initiate
Limiting ourselves is limiting our own growth.
And since there are so many things, it is an endless Journey.
“...Asetianisn is not a religion but a cultural and philosophical legacy that reflects a way of life maintained through inner growth and a profound spiritual path."
“...From a scholarly perspective and unlike the aim and scope of other occult and religious paths, Asetianism is a tradition, discipline and a way of life that balances and unifies the fields of science, spirituality, magick and art.”
-Luis Marques, Book of Orion – Introduction
This is one of the books I recommend for those interested in delving into occult studies.
Here is the link where a preview containing the introduction of Book of Orion can be read.
As for me, I am just a student, an eternal student, but I am careful about the things I read and study. In my opinion, a Real Path has to carry different elements, resonate with me, bring knowledge in different fields as I am a person that enjoys reading about almost anything.
Asetian teachings are special. A valuable tool, worth to be studied. It is, as many say and know, a Path that is not always smooth and easy and It may bring the best and the worst of people
“The Aset Ka is not just an Order, it’s a primordial force. Those more evolved learn from it, even if they don’t follow its culture, but those less evolved are still affected by its Violet light, so their frustrations turn into ego, hate, illusion and lies. Everyone is affected, the trial is learning from it or falling into deceit. It’s an initiation of nature. Aset Ka is a mirror, showing honor in beautiful souls or ugliness in those rotten inside. People just reflect themselves without realizing.”
-Dawn Lillian
Initiations occur in the most different ways, and Aset Ka has a system of organic initiations; which in my opinion, are quite appealing because they can be felt. Not things you just read, but ones you are actually able to feel.
To consider something to be True, it has to be lived, experienced.
I am glad I got this fire burning to it encourages me to go after knowledge, seek for answers and have more questions.
I am grateful for this way in which I can explore things, and I am able to learn. It is therefore vital for us to be open so we benefit from this diversity of ideas, systems, and concepts.
Additionally, I have some special thanks to some people inside the community, that either in direct or indirect ways have been somehow helping and bringing me valuable teachings, sometimes in simple ways, or even by just being silent. A silence that carries a special meaning, though.
Many things are not possible to be explained, they need to be lived by a personal experience. Therefore, what I have been doing here is just writing about my personal insights, and how I feel that the things I decide to study and follow have been helping me to grow. Many different things, but that now have a central point, a core, a compass, as I see that this Path is a pulse that ignites my internal Flame.
Lynskha - Eternal student of this endless Journey.
quarta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2018
A step in reality
Today I was just thinking about people in general.... how some just don't care.., they just live their lives, how actually human, people, adults.. are just grown up kids... we still have our fears, our doubts... our dreams… The difference is that when we grow up, we just get the things in our hands, and we have to try to figure out life, how to do, what to do. But in the end, it is like “nobody knows anything, but pretend they do”.
Then we look around, and the world is diverse in everything. it is like a living thing, a huge masterpiece happening at this very moment, alive, like a cosmic dance.
But we see people that just … exist, like they are sleeping, it is like a dream and they don't realize it. We can see, notice by the look in their eyes, they are kind of opaque, they do not seek for answers, for more... they just live in artificiality, and they are happy with that.
There is not that spark of light we can notice in the eyes of those who dare to explore. Like that different light, we see in the kids' eyes, those curious eyes that challenge the world.
Not that me, you, people that somehow think in a different way, are better than anyone, but some, like us, just think and see everything in a different perspective.
Many times, it begins when we are kids. We are the “weirdos”. Our thoughts and actions are different. We even see and sense things, others don’t. We question, we are eager for answers.
But being like that has a price. Others point at you, exclude you, make fun. You feel lonely, misplaced…
So it made me think. It is more comfortable to be asleep.
It is very hard to be the way we are, aware of reality. A being that is there to question, not satisfied with this fake reality.
It is a paradox, we are the ones that somehow suffer, and are misunderstood...
It is like we are “the strangers” in a world that is not really ours, and that makes me think: why? why are we here?
There must be many things for us to learn, and to exchange, even teach, but it is hard, it is a different vibration, we have different thoughts...
The movie Matrix comes to mind. When you truly know, then you are aware that it is just a fake world, and there is more. Many other things come to mind.
For times, we try to explain life, a reason for everything. There are many paths, religion, philosophies, the most diverse ways of trying to explain it. And they serve each individual, as they align with them.
It is really a hard work. One that makes us go after the answers, outside but most importantly inside. A work of dedication and patience.
"There are concepts, notions which can't be described through limited physical language. There is no book or being that could ever teach them to you. The only key to finding and understanding their meaning is by looking inside - inner discovery. Such understanding can't be rushed."
~Naverya. 02.02.2018
Truth is, that when we question, we are some steps ahead of those who just go with the herd.
It is hard to say this is what works, this is real, since it may be for me and not for you.
But in the end… what is everything? All those silly debates we engage into, small worries, big changes, everything we do here in this life, happy moments, sad moments… aren’t they just a chapter of a bigger and endless story?
Many tools can be used to keep the Journey, to enhance our knowledge, our wisdom. The important thing is the Will to go after it.
The sense of being comfortable brings us stagnation. People want to either feed from instant reward or just stay where they are. Going after answers is hard, but a fantastic quest.
Remember that how you see the world is not necessarily reality. What you see is a distorted perspective filtered through your perception. ☥
~Luis Marques. 08.04.2014
terça-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2018
Copy-paste world
Inspiring people is not a problem. It is a good sign that something you did has a nice feedback, showing people were affected by it. It is, most of the times, a positive sign.
However, the problem begins when people, blatantly just go on a copy paste system, almost like just repeating what was previously done.
Creating something demands time and dedication. Depending on what is going to be done, years of research, sleepless nights, and other issues that are part of the process. It can even be something simple, but everything that is created will demand attention and energy. It becomes a work of originality, unique, even if inspired by others.
Again, inspiration is not the problem. Regarding many things, especially inside occultism, religion, philosophy, we can see that, lots of systems “drink” from different, but many times, similar sources, when they follow the same ideas. It is a work of research to have a background, a base, a foundation for a strong structure.
It is an open world of things to get material from. One can find an infinite resource for almost whatever he wishes to create. There is traditional literature, occult teachings, history, and many writers that we know that, have done their job in researching to bring us a cohesive and meaningful work.
So when people get their inspiration from those previous books and material, is good. It shows that it is something worth to be reproduced, spread. I believe, that the natural thing would be, either mentioning your inspiration, showing respect for that work, or at least referring to it somehow. If not possible, why not write your own words, do your own way instead of a small change of words here, a slight change of colors there?
And worse, claiming to be original. Trying to pass the image of content, when in reality, it is just a mix of things. It should be full of content, especially regarding the occult and spiritual world. If someone just copies something, applying in his own creation and claim it to be full of meaning, we cannot deny that it has meaning, but not because of what this second person did, but because the original source has power, has meaning. But, since the second work is just a copy, a stolen energy from other sources, it becomes meaningless. An empty work.
So how can people follow and trust something, that even the creation does not trust itself?
Masters teach through examples, not only words.
Words can be written and interpreted in many ways. People can try to portray things, by saying things, claiming things but it is the action, the behavior that shows, many times what is and what is not. Even if people try to pretend and live in a make-believe world…
It is not a matter of trying to reinvent the wheel. It’s already there to be used. But do not claim to be your invention, your creation, when it is clear for everyone that, someone has already done it before. It is not a shame to say you don`t know, that you learned, you got inspired and then you were able to create your own work. But do not simply copy, do not say it is full of teachings and it has a lot of deep meaning created by you, when in reality, It is a work inspired in greater masters, that were, thus, really the responsible ones for the work, because it was them who went after the material, the research, and the background, that when they, themselves are the source. When the material from where it was copied, is actually the original source of everything else.
I hate the feeling of envy. Even that very subtle one that you are able to realize it is there.
Get inspired, but remain original.
Speaking as an Asetianist, I see many things get inspiration from Luis Marques and Aset Ka teachings. It is not a recent issue, the one being discussed about people claiming to be the first ones, things about copyright, and dates and so on. So much lack of respect for serious teachings. Lack of respect for the Order and the people involved with it and with the creation of the books. People deserve respect. When we see serious work involved, at least the most basic person dealing with occult world and with a minimum of self-awareness is able to see what is real from what is not, and respect what has meaning.
Seeing many things being copied from Asetianism, and being declared as original, makes me sad and sick.
Not only from Asetianism. Any form of falsehood, dishonesty makes me feel angry. I repeat, the inspiration is not a problem but when you see things just a copy of something else and saying to be original, it is just unacceptable. And the worst thing, people nowadays just face everything as normal. "We are living the era of internet where nothing is original, everything is a copy, just be ok with it."
No, I won't be ok. I won't just go and think "I won't get involved, it does not affect me, I won't fight,'
I can. But I would never defend anything if I knew it to be so full of wrong and dishonest things. I just hope people are not blind enough to keep following things they know it is not real, or at least they should go after more info to know where they are stepping into.
Lies and dishonesty are some of the worst behaviors. They mislead people into believing it.
Thinking about newbies, looking for some light, then they get faced with texts, books, teachings that are not reliable, but they are “famous”. Then they go and fall into the traps and fallacies. They get attached to that “truth” like a lifeline.
"False teachers pose threat only to fools. They bare a message with rotten fruit and speak of a tree that has no seed. ☥"
~Luis Marques, 10.04.2013
They live an artificial happiness from shallow teachings, not being able to go beyond. Those few who seek for something deeper may realize that something is wrong, missing… Others, that have a better knowledge do not even fall. But many do. So it is not only a problem of those seeking, that need to open their eyes. It is a problem of the responsible people, leaders, etc, to not deceive people, to be honest with themselves. Ego is a terrible issue, and it hides in many different forms.
But for some people even if the truth is revealed, even if it is proved right in front of their faces, they prefer to ignore it and keep the beautiful dirty lie because it is more comfortable, or it is because they got attached to it and will defend it.
How can you trust a leader that preaches so many things about spirituality, occultism, inner grow if he does not do that to himself? It is the style “do as I say, but not as I do?“
Always question, always doubt.
A real master does not seek for followers. He wants a body of students that trust themselves and follow their own methods of investigation.
I believe some will just go “if the caps fit, wear it” , but, others, will know the cap would fit, but they will just turn their faces laughing with their fake plastic fangs, trying to deceive not only others but themselves, because deep inside they know how shallow are their own words.
“The fall of deceit. Rest assured that a magus who fancifully exhibits his title is likely to need your wisdom more than he can ever teach. ☥”
~Luis Marques. 19.12.2013
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