sábado, 14 de abril de 2018
Loneliness or Uniqueness?
You barely open your eyes. You are alone. Even surrounded by your mom, dad, family, you are and you will always be alone. It is you, and only yourself who you will carry wherever you go. Life happens exactly where you are.
You can be in your house, or decide to go for a pilgrimage at Tibet, everything you will always possess is yourself.
You OPEN your eyes. You awake to your true nature. You realize you may not be "just" a regular human being. You sense you are different, something inside you leads you to seek for answers, for others that might be able to help you. " Are there others like me?" You may think. "What am I? What is this I am feeling?"
Something makes you so unsettled that you think you may be getting crazy.
You make a decision to go for more information. Then, your identification points you to the direction of vampires...
There may be a moment of surprise, shock, fear, empowerment. Many different feelings can run through the veins of different individuals. Each one may interpret from different perspectives.
That is the sensation. Loneliness.
You decide to find a group. Maybe read something that you align with. But groups are made of people, and people may have their own agendas. Different personalities, egos, purposes.
Some people do really enjoy the experience of pertaining to a group. They feel safe, they enjoy the interaction and the exchange.
"Belongingness is the human emotional need to be an accepted member of a group. Whether it is family, friends, co-workers, a religion, or something else, people tend to have an 'inherent' desire to belong and be an important part of something greater than themselves. This implies a relationship that is greater than simple acquaintance or familiarity. The need to belong is the need to give and receive attention to and from others.
Belonging is a strong and inevitable feeling that exists in human nature. To belong or not to belong can occur due to choices of one's self, or the choices of others. Not everyone has the same life and interests, hence not everyone belongs to the same thing or person. Without belonging, one cannot identify themselves as clearly, thus having difficulties communicating with and relating to their surroundings." 1
Also, the sense of being guided brings some kind of safety. It makes the person a little more secure of the steps he is taking. We cannot deny that it also can become something negative, like a crutch since the young learner can rely too much on his instructor, guide, teacher. But from my experience, I have seen some people that really prefer the interaction of groups, houses or Orders.
"Abraham Maslow suggested that the need to belong was a major source of human motivation. He thought that it was one of 5 human needs in his hierarchy of needs, along with physiological needs, safety, self-esteem, and self-actualization. These needs are arranged in a hierarchy and must be satisfied in order. After physiological and safety needs are met an individual can then work on meeting the need to belong and be loved. According to Maslow, if the first two needs are not met, then an individual cannot completely love someone else." 2
On the other hand, some individuals prefer to walk their Journey in a lonely way. Some follow a tradition, on their own, others do not get linked to any specific thing, but learn from different sources. Some words are used to describe these individuals, but I prefer to see them as they are, people that have just decided to not join anything, they are there, following their individual paths, as individual beings.
Is there a correct way?
I believe the right one is, as I always say, that one that aligns with your heart and soul. More spiritualized, less spiritualized, more focus on magick, LHP, RHP, the need for group rituals, the practices a person can do alone...
There are so many ways and options. The important thought is to not go by others footsteps... Do not try to fit somewhere, just because it seems "nice". Do not try to join a group because loners are criticized. Do not leave a group because groups are criticized.
What works for me, may not work for you. And even inside groups, the diversity can be so big that, one begins influencing the other.
Problems may arise as the individuals working in groups may develop thoughts about the ones in other groups, or the loners. The sense of honor and loyalty can be very strong in some individuals, and in my opinion, it has to be, since you defend that thing you consider Sacred to you. But everything has to go from the correct level of judgment. The action should be always from the heart, and not blind faith, following rumors, or acting out of anger, without even checking if that is the correct way.
"In-group favoritism, sometimes known as in-group–out-group bias, in-group bias, or intergroup bias, is a pattern of favoring members of one's in-group over out-group members. This can be expressed in evaluation of others, in allocation of resources, and in many other ways.
This interaction has been researched by many psychologists and linked to many theories related to group conflict and prejudice. The phenomenon is primarily viewed from a social psychology standpoint. Studies have shown that in-group favoritism arises as a result of the formation of cultural groups.[3][4] These cultural groups can be divided based off seemingly trivial observable traits, but with time populations grow to associate certain traits with certain behavior, increasing covariation. This then incentivizes in-group bias.
Two prominent theoretical approaches to the phenomenon of in-group favoritism are realistic conflict theory and social identity theory. Realistic conflict theory proposes that intergroup competition, and sometimes intergroup conflict, arises when two groups have opposing claims to scarce resources. In contrast, social identity theory posits a psychological drive for positively distinct social identities as the general root cause of in-group favoring behavior."3
The thought that separates "us" from "them"
"Social categorization occurs whenever we think about others in terms of their category memberships rather than on the basis of other, more personal information about the individual.
Social categorization can have a variety of negative consequences for the people who are the targets of our stereotypes. But it becomes even more important and has even more powerful effects on our reactions to others when the categorization becomes more emotionally involving, and particularly when the categorization involves categorization into liked ingroups and potentially disliked outgroups.
Because our ancestors lived in small social groups that were frequently in conflict with other groups, it was evolutionarily functional for them to view members of other groups as different and potentially dangerous. Differentiating between “us” and “them” probably helped keep us safe and free from disease, and as a result, the human brain became very efficient in making these distinctions. The problem is that these naturally occurring tendencies may lead us to prefer people who are like us, and in some cases even to unfairly reject people from outgroups."4
There is this feeling of "us" and "them". The first level is when there is the thought of vampires versus mundanes.
Then segregation may begin happening inside the "inner" circle. The "us" becomes our group, and "them" the others, groups or loners.
Maybe it is a natural thing, and maybe there are benefits that can be extracted from this way of thinking. But many negative issues happen as well.
One day I noticed something very curious. There was an argument going on in a Facebook group. People disagreeing, "vampires" debating against each other. Suddenly, a post with something that affected everyone was placed by a person. I do not remember exactly what it was, but it offended almost everybody there, and what I saw was something like a union of people against this other person. At that moment the "us" became the "whole group of vampires". There was not "my group, my people, my house".
For me, it was something very interesting to observe. It is like thinking about people in general, everyone thinking about themselves, their selfish thoughts, defending their causes, but when something affects a greater area they unite with their neighbors, co-workers, defending something that is related to everyone.
There is much that can be learned with the exchange of ideas inside a circle, as well as much can be learned when you are in solitude and have only your inner master to guide you, the experiences that may take you to succeed but also to fail a lot. And then you learn from the accomplishments and failures.
I enjoy the different ways, the respect, the interaction, the freedom.
The kaleidoscope of possibilities...
So what is better: Having a master to guide you? Working by yourself? Having friends you can count on?
Anything you do, any place you are, in the end, you will always be alone.
It is your Self, your personality, your life, your thoughts, your ego.
Even with others, be yourself, act following your heart, be rational.
Do not be a sheep, in a group or not.
The steps can only be taken by the one walking...
The one thirsty should be the one that drinks the water...
No one can learn and evolve for you, so no one can decide things that only you have to.
It is ok to be in a group. It is ok to be alone.
When you realize that you will always be alone, and that is not bad, you become your best company.
Do not only be lonely, be unique.
It does not matter if you are indeed walking by yourself, or if you belong to a huge group of people, you may have company in some parts of the road, but in the end, it is always a lonely Journey.
"Fitting in is a quest of fools. Being accepted a hope of the weak. Embrace your uniqueness notwithstanding opposition and criticism. ☥"
-Luis Marques
1. / 2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belongingness
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In-group_favoritism
4. https://opentextbc.ca/socialpsychology/chapter/ingroup-favoritism-and-prejudice/
sábado, 7 de abril de 2018
Evolution and Diversity
The search for evolution and perfection is something the real vampire craves. When he awakens, he realizes that everything around him is very different from what he had imagined. On the one hand, he comes to see a new world, is marveled by the countless possibilities that are present before his eyes, becoming able to see things now, that went unnoticed before. But on the other hand, he is shocked, because he realizes how much artificiality is present in this so-called "reality", that is nothing, but false interpretations of our senses.
It occurs that we live surrounded by a world, whose nature presents itself in its "Original" form, however, there are several ways to exist within this world, to live, survive, interact, or actually be.
Much can be said about those who are dormant, living happily in a reality that numbs them like anesthesia, which makes them accept things as they are, basic and simple, without questioning much. Mass populace behavior.
A sleeping routine, waking up, working, having fun, sleeping, wake up...and so on.
When you wake up, when you open your eyes and realize that the world in which we are immersed has an "artificial flavor of reality", you suffer.
Suffering is derived from that perception. As in the film "The Matrix", where the artificial reality created serves to deceive, the real reality is that much less attractive.
We suffer because we see beyond what normal eyes see, we sense more, and it affects us a lot.
But what's worth more? A comfortable life of lies, or confrontation with the truth, but which breeds in itself the "heart" of the matter, the Truth?
There is also the interpretation and perception of the "reality" I mentioned above. Reality is subjective. It depends on our internal resources so that we can interpret it, and that interpretation will always occur differently for each individual. Everything depends on what he possesses, knowledge, keys, elements, an internal library that allows him to read what he understands, and creates an interpretation. That is why the search for knowledge becomes an important step for anyone who wishes to evolve.
Follow the path of intuition, feel, but also seeking to acquire the "formal" tools so that we can keep moving onward, climbing each rung of the ladder up the evolutionary path.
Dealing with occultism, with vampirism is not only to identify and live in a "basic layer" of perception.
When looking through the veil, once seen, it is impossible to remain in the previous state. You can try to ignore the path, close your eyes, but the responsibility that exists before you, will always be there. A matter of choice, but after taking the red pill and choosing to wake up, there's no turning back.
Some people keep their evolutionary journey as avid seekers. Respecting traditions and orders, going after knowledge, tools that will equip them to evolve.
I respect these beings a lot. Especially when they show this respect and realize how much they can learn from different paths.
Inside vampirism, there are different Paths and traditions, and it is normal, holding to an identification, and defending that one you usually align with. However, it becomes very interesting when people, in their serious and mature quest, open themselves to the different ways and it is wonderful how the exchange of thoughts becomes beneficial.
This is the Path of Evolution for me. Not always people will agree, and when it is a healthy debate, it even helps to expand the view about things. People may argue, it is normal. But when the focus is placed on what really matters, then, the real magick happens.
Choose wisely how the energy is going to be applied. Time is precious, our energy is important, our Journey is Sacred.
"Speak your mind. Act on your ideals. Trust your instincts. Live your dreams. Never surrender. Ignore hate, envy and dishonest criticism. ☥"
- Luis Marques
* Edited with the help of Cory Kai Draken.
domingo, 1 de abril de 2018
Elitism and Secrecy.
There has been a nice discussion about elitism in a group. People brought their opinions, shared some opinions, and I decided to write about it.
Definitions of elitism
1 : leadership or rule by an elite
2 : the selectivity of the elite; especially : snobbery elitism in choosing new members
3 : consciousness of being or belonging to an elite
4. The belief that one's social group is superior to another group. elitist
5 .the belief or attitude that individuals who form an elite — a select group of people with a certain ancestry, intrinsic quality, high intellect, wealth, special skills, or experience — are more likely to be constructive to society as a whole, and therefore deserve influence or authority greater than that of others.
Since the definition of elitism can relate to being arrogant and snobbish, that is the idea that people get when they see that something seems to be elitist. However we can expand our ideas.
Elitism is usually seen as something negative, a subject that tends to use segregation to create closed groups, mostly based on ego sometimes. However, many people tend to confuse secrecy with elitism.
It has been seen in history that occult and secretive Orders have oaths of secrecy, keeping their sacred and valuable teachings only accessible to their inner circle. It is not even necessary to go deep into explaining why, because we can understand that real knowledge is not understood by those who are not prepared for it. Is this an elitist way of thinking? Yes.
It tends to be a natural selection. We can use simple examples. Can you discuss vampirism with regular friends around you? Family? Occult related subjects are easy to be brought up in a conversation?
What I see is that even among open-minded people, and occultists, some subjects are like taboos. A biased opinion appears. So we become more selective about who we talk to, what we talk about.
It is also a matter of levels of understanding, and similarities in the way of thinking. It is not a benefit trying to discuss vampirism the way we see, with a person that sees it completely different from our understanding.
It becomes completely useless to try to make others see what you see, when the practices, beliefs, thoughts, alignments are different.
A healthy discussion can appear, a nice talk maybe, but we know, that deep inside, some of us become elitist. Not an ego-based elitism, but a different one.
Groups, orders, covens, houses, clans will be based on those who share similar views. Even groups that declare to be open, and welcome everybody, someday, depending on this or that issue, will select, separate in smaller groups, levels...
There is a natural elitism, and we cannot deny it. But as I said, there is the "negative" one, based on ego, and "I am better than you", and there is a different kind of elitism, that may even have this idea of "better/superior" but in a different level. It is like when you observe mundane people, the mass, the "sheep" that is simply surviving and you see that you are different...
You become more selective as time passes, in my opinion, especially in the way you behave. Sometimes you see arguments and instead of jumping in, you just think... "it is not worth it"...
Criticism about secrecy and elitism have always existed, but nowadays it became even worse. It is a generation where everything has to be given immediately, easy, spoon fed. "I want to know, and I want it now. " "Who do they think they are to not talk to me?" "I am very important, I demand to have a membership and access."
It is a generation that does not know respect, does not recognize patience. One that gets tired of things very quickly. That does not even know why they want something, but they do, as collectors of things, just to say "I have it, I own a title, I have something else to add to my list" But like a spoiled kid, once achieving something, getting it, becomes bored and goes after something else.
Or something funny happens, the pursuit of being part of something, becoming something in that group, but having it denied, he becomes a hater. Like a rejected lover. In the beginning, he worships his beloved one, and having his attempts ignored, he spreads all kinds of horrible things about the ex-target of his love.
Secrecy brings this sense of being elitist. But, wouldn`t it be a necessary elitism, then?
I believe many people and groups are accused of being elitists, and one of them is Aset Ka and Asetianists.
There is a peculiarity about Asetianism that uses the word "elitism" a lot, but most of the times it is misunderstood. Below there is a small excerpt from the Introduction of Words in Silence , in Violet Throne. (link with full introduction at the reference part, in the end of the post.)
" In our modern day and age, with the development of technology and the deceiving sense of empowerment that easy access to information and varying degrees of knowledge provides, many have criticized the Aset Ka for its secrecy and detachment. Often described as elitism and arrogance, such views spawn from the lack of understanding of what drives, enforces and empowers our signature silence and oaths of secrecy. As the author of several Asetian books and teachings I nurture no interest whatsoever in fame and recognition finding no value in such vain desires. My achievements are held to much higher standards and they are bound to the conquering of growth, wisdom and enlightment. Those victories are not at the reach of fame and ego, being only sung in the hymns of those who battle in silence, hence conquering the greater fortunes of all. Such uncommon commitment for a high standard and determination in figthing the recurring battle of perfecting your inner and outer arts may be understood as elitism, and under this mindset every Asetian is a proud elitist at heart. This is especially evident in what concerns the mysteries of magick and spirit, as our path can never be explored and understood when approached with the same mind that would seek, study and praise the work of mere dabblers or the mirrors of commercial occultism without a profound sustenance of truth. That is not the way of the Asetians as such a road is not the path of the warrior."
"Asetian secrecy is not here to please anyone and will remain strong and unbroken despite criticism, but if any genuine seeker finds the secretive nature of our knowledge and the intricate access to our teachings a negative sign of its value, then I am only left to wonder what real wisdom such a person has ever held contact with beyond the grasp of popular magick and basic metaphysics, as every true power fueled by occult knowledge is bound to oaths of secrecy, the art of initiation and vows of responsibility. That is how it has always been on the road to occult science and the way of magick enforced by every mystery school since the dawn of civilization and so it remaisn today. Believing otherwise is folly. Those seeking easy answers and quick lessons will never accept this but such minds have no place on tha path of the wise. "
-Luis Marques
Occultism, vampirism, witchcraft.... lots of things have always been surrounded by secrecy. It is funny that the ones outside claim "They are elitists, they did not accept me", but once they are accepted some feel they are now part of that elite and say: "shut the doors, do not allow others in, we are the royal ones".
Elitism can be seen as arrogance, and it can really have this energy, when ego based. It can be seen as arrogance, but it may not be, but be interpreted this way by who is outside the situation.
Elitism can be seen as segregation, or it can be seen as a way of being more selective.
There are many ways of seeing and interpreting elitism, from the point of view of who is being elitist and why, and from the point of view of those observing it.
For me, it is natural that a selection happens, But it is a natural thing, it will divide people into groups, and these groups will have their own way of thinking, behaving. When it is about the knowledge and protecting, evolving it is good. It only becomes bad when it is used to harm the others, or to fulfill ego, like displaying a membership tag of a high level inside an Order, or to shout out loud a title.
I am sure that each of you, who belong to Traditional Orders know what I am talking about when I mention the oaths of secrecy. And also those who are part of groups, houses that may have your own rules, regulations, and oaths. You would not be sharing what you practice with just anyone, you would not be accepting just anyone that comes wanting to know all the secrets possible.
You would not simply invite anyone to a fancy dinner at your house with your boss, the directors of the company, for example. Just imagine that crazy friend that always says bad jokes, is impolite and whose "level" of culture would not be a good one to carry a conversation with people around? It is an elitist behavior, but... a necessary one.
We can and should interact with anyone, of all different levels of culture or education. Be respectful, talk to a bus driver using the same politeness we use to talk to our boss. We ay, however use different words and ways of expressing ourselves. And this is not being elitist. Elitism here would be not even talking to others, or diminishing them.
We also need to remember that, we may know a bit more than some people, but there will always be those who know more things about some subjects than us.
So sometimes mixing things is positive in the way that interaction brings a lot of learning through the exchange of different ideas, but, there are things that will be better kept inside the ones that ... are the same.
Smaller groups can be created, with more specific subjects, while others can be more inclusive.
Either way, it is a matter of choice, in how you are going to interact with others and share what you know.
"not casting pearls to swine...."
* Words in Silence ~ Violet Throne , Luis Marques - Aset Ka.
full introduction can be read at the preview button on the page http://www.asetka.org/Words.shtml
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elitism
* https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/elitism
* https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=elitism
Definitions of elitism
1 : leadership or rule by an elite
2 : the selectivity of the elite; especially : snobbery elitism in choosing new members
3 : consciousness of being or belonging to an elite
4. The belief that one's social group is superior to another group. elitist
5 .the belief or attitude that individuals who form an elite — a select group of people with a certain ancestry, intrinsic quality, high intellect, wealth, special skills, or experience — are more likely to be constructive to society as a whole, and therefore deserve influence or authority greater than that of others.
Since the definition of elitism can relate to being arrogant and snobbish, that is the idea that people get when they see that something seems to be elitist. However we can expand our ideas.
Elitism is usually seen as something negative, a subject that tends to use segregation to create closed groups, mostly based on ego sometimes. However, many people tend to confuse secrecy with elitism.
It has been seen in history that occult and secretive Orders have oaths of secrecy, keeping their sacred and valuable teachings only accessible to their inner circle. It is not even necessary to go deep into explaining why, because we can understand that real knowledge is not understood by those who are not prepared for it. Is this an elitist way of thinking? Yes.
It tends to be a natural selection. We can use simple examples. Can you discuss vampirism with regular friends around you? Family? Occult related subjects are easy to be brought up in a conversation?
What I see is that even among open-minded people, and occultists, some subjects are like taboos. A biased opinion appears. So we become more selective about who we talk to, what we talk about.
It is also a matter of levels of understanding, and similarities in the way of thinking. It is not a benefit trying to discuss vampirism the way we see, with a person that sees it completely different from our understanding.
It becomes completely useless to try to make others see what you see, when the practices, beliefs, thoughts, alignments are different.
A healthy discussion can appear, a nice talk maybe, but we know, that deep inside, some of us become elitist. Not an ego-based elitism, but a different one.
Groups, orders, covens, houses, clans will be based on those who share similar views. Even groups that declare to be open, and welcome everybody, someday, depending on this or that issue, will select, separate in smaller groups, levels...
There is a natural elitism, and we cannot deny it. But as I said, there is the "negative" one, based on ego, and "I am better than you", and there is a different kind of elitism, that may even have this idea of "better/superior" but in a different level. It is like when you observe mundane people, the mass, the "sheep" that is simply surviving and you see that you are different...
You become more selective as time passes, in my opinion, especially in the way you behave. Sometimes you see arguments and instead of jumping in, you just think... "it is not worth it"...
Criticism about secrecy and elitism have always existed, but nowadays it became even worse. It is a generation where everything has to be given immediately, easy, spoon fed. "I want to know, and I want it now. " "Who do they think they are to not talk to me?" "I am very important, I demand to have a membership and access."
It is a generation that does not know respect, does not recognize patience. One that gets tired of things very quickly. That does not even know why they want something, but they do, as collectors of things, just to say "I have it, I own a title, I have something else to add to my list" But like a spoiled kid, once achieving something, getting it, becomes bored and goes after something else.
Or something funny happens, the pursuit of being part of something, becoming something in that group, but having it denied, he becomes a hater. Like a rejected lover. In the beginning, he worships his beloved one, and having his attempts ignored, he spreads all kinds of horrible things about the ex-target of his love.
Secrecy brings this sense of being elitist. But, wouldn`t it be a necessary elitism, then?
I believe many people and groups are accused of being elitists, and one of them is Aset Ka and Asetianists.
There is a peculiarity about Asetianism that uses the word "elitism" a lot, but most of the times it is misunderstood. Below there is a small excerpt from the Introduction of Words in Silence , in Violet Throne. (link with full introduction at the reference part, in the end of the post.)
" In our modern day and age, with the development of technology and the deceiving sense of empowerment that easy access to information and varying degrees of knowledge provides, many have criticized the Aset Ka for its secrecy and detachment. Often described as elitism and arrogance, such views spawn from the lack of understanding of what drives, enforces and empowers our signature silence and oaths of secrecy. As the author of several Asetian books and teachings I nurture no interest whatsoever in fame and recognition finding no value in such vain desires. My achievements are held to much higher standards and they are bound to the conquering of growth, wisdom and enlightment. Those victories are not at the reach of fame and ego, being only sung in the hymns of those who battle in silence, hence conquering the greater fortunes of all. Such uncommon commitment for a high standard and determination in figthing the recurring battle of perfecting your inner and outer arts may be understood as elitism, and under this mindset every Asetian is a proud elitist at heart. This is especially evident in what concerns the mysteries of magick and spirit, as our path can never be explored and understood when approached with the same mind that would seek, study and praise the work of mere dabblers or the mirrors of commercial occultism without a profound sustenance of truth. That is not the way of the Asetians as such a road is not the path of the warrior."
"Asetian secrecy is not here to please anyone and will remain strong and unbroken despite criticism, but if any genuine seeker finds the secretive nature of our knowledge and the intricate access to our teachings a negative sign of its value, then I am only left to wonder what real wisdom such a person has ever held contact with beyond the grasp of popular magick and basic metaphysics, as every true power fueled by occult knowledge is bound to oaths of secrecy, the art of initiation and vows of responsibility. That is how it has always been on the road to occult science and the way of magick enforced by every mystery school since the dawn of civilization and so it remaisn today. Believing otherwise is folly. Those seeking easy answers and quick lessons will never accept this but such minds have no place on tha path of the wise. "
-Luis Marques
Occultism, vampirism, witchcraft.... lots of things have always been surrounded by secrecy. It is funny that the ones outside claim "They are elitists, they did not accept me", but once they are accepted some feel they are now part of that elite and say: "shut the doors, do not allow others in, we are the royal ones".
Elitism can be seen as arrogance, and it can really have this energy, when ego based. It can be seen as arrogance, but it may not be, but be interpreted this way by who is outside the situation.
Elitism can be seen as segregation, or it can be seen as a way of being more selective.
There are many ways of seeing and interpreting elitism, from the point of view of who is being elitist and why, and from the point of view of those observing it.
For me, it is natural that a selection happens, But it is a natural thing, it will divide people into groups, and these groups will have their own way of thinking, behaving. When it is about the knowledge and protecting, evolving it is good. It only becomes bad when it is used to harm the others, or to fulfill ego, like displaying a membership tag of a high level inside an Order, or to shout out loud a title.
I am sure that each of you, who belong to Traditional Orders know what I am talking about when I mention the oaths of secrecy. And also those who are part of groups, houses that may have your own rules, regulations, and oaths. You would not be sharing what you practice with just anyone, you would not be accepting just anyone that comes wanting to know all the secrets possible.
You would not simply invite anyone to a fancy dinner at your house with your boss, the directors of the company, for example. Just imagine that crazy friend that always says bad jokes, is impolite and whose "level" of culture would not be a good one to carry a conversation with people around? It is an elitist behavior, but... a necessary one.
We can and should interact with anyone, of all different levels of culture or education. Be respectful, talk to a bus driver using the same politeness we use to talk to our boss. We ay, however use different words and ways of expressing ourselves. And this is not being elitist. Elitism here would be not even talking to others, or diminishing them.
We also need to remember that, we may know a bit more than some people, but there will always be those who know more things about some subjects than us.
So sometimes mixing things is positive in the way that interaction brings a lot of learning through the exchange of different ideas, but, there are things that will be better kept inside the ones that ... are the same.
Smaller groups can be created, with more specific subjects, while others can be more inclusive.
Either way, it is a matter of choice, in how you are going to interact with others and share what you know.
"not casting pearls to swine...."
* Words in Silence ~ Violet Throne , Luis Marques - Aset Ka.
full introduction can be read at the preview button on the page http://www.asetka.org/Words.shtml
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elitism
* https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/elitism
* https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=elitism
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