quarta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2017
The Prism and the Kaleidoscope
There is a concept used by Luis Marques to describe the variety of things we can learn. I have been able to feel it for myself while exploring the diversity of subjects related to many things of my interest.
This concept he uses is a Spiritual Kaleidoscope.
Today I was wondering about another object, I will mention before talking about the kaleidoscope. It is the prism.
I was thinking about the way we receive knowledge, the way we absorb and the way we reflect it. How it "enters" us, in a single white ray, but this ray actually contains different layers.
Also, not thinking about how this energy gets to us, but the prism representing, in this case, Asetianism for me, it is able to show how diverse and how beautiful this Path is.
It is not a Unique "ray", but when seen through the prism, we can see how linked to many other things it is, and how enhancing it can be, as it puts us in contact to a variety of teachings.
Now, about the kaleidoscope, I can say I even smiled when I read about this concept, in the Violet Throne.
Looking at our Journey, formed by tiny different crystals, we build it. When we turn the kaleidoscope, these crystals are able to form new images.
If we have just a single color, a single crystal, inside this kaleidoscope, we won't have anything else but a static image. So as we add more and more, we can build different forms.
The interesting thing is not only about adding, because, again, if we just add things, they will be stagnated, a still image. And if we try to keep on just adding, there will be a moment that it won't fit anymore, we won't be able to move, to change the image, it may even break...
But when we are able to see how many pieces can fit, what are the interesting ones to be placed there, and more important, the ACTION of turning it, we will always have new images, even if formed by the same pieces.
We will have a different point of view, of concepts that we already know, but then we are able to explore again.
So, I am a person that has always admired freedom of thought. Ways that show you that we are responsible for our acts, our learnings.
Nothing that claims to be the Ultimate Truth sounds good to me, that tries to tie you. And that is something Asetianism shows, how important diversity is. Learning, comparing, studying, understanding.
The Universe is multifaced. Its manifestation is an infinite kaleidoscope image being changed every time there is a turn.
The kaleidoscope not only forms the images but also reflects them.
It is an infinite connection of things, beautiful and breathless energy.
And We are the Universe.
After having a very symbolical dream, I decided to research and study more about Heka.
I have made some notes, and I will share them. Most of different websites, but parts I found very interesting.
I will first share these notes, maybe later I will try writing about it, using these notes.
".....to me belonged the universe before you gods had come into being. You have come afterwards because I am Heka." - Coffin texts, part of spell 261, First Intermediate Period to Middle Kingdom
Heka - There is a deep meaning about what Heka represents.
God, deity, the power of words, magic. There are different texts dealing with what Heka is.
In the Coffin Texts, Spell 261, it says that Heka existed:
"before duality had yet come into being"
Heka - the primeval potency that empowered the creator-god at the beginning of time
Heka - is the great creative force or life-supporting energy that connects the subjects, resources and other symbols of life with the almighty universe, which a magician must attempt to learn in order to work magic in an effective way.
About magick: "To become Heka is to acquire a power beyond the cosmic realm and so one able to manipulate everything part of creation."
"... in other words, heka also signifies consecration of universal energy that in turn refers to god`s ability to empower humans with creative thought and reactions and later convert them into their physical formations in the mortal world.
From the time of the Early Dynastic Period, and developed during the Old Kingdom of Egypt (c. 2613-2181 BCE), Heka was linked to the creative aspects of the heart and the tongue. The heart was considered the seat of one's individual personality, thought, and feeling, while the tongue gave expression to these aspects. Sia was a personification of the heart, Hu of the tongue, and Heka the power which infused both
"...'he who consecrates the ka' and he is called 'Lord of the Kas' in the Coffin Texts. (110)"
The ka was one of the nine parts of the soul (the astral self) and was linked with the ba (the human-headed bird aspect of the soul which could travel between earth and heaven) which, at death, became transformed to the akh (the immortal soul). Heka was therefore originally the deity who watched over one's soul, gave one's soul power, energy, and allowed it to be elevated in death to the afterlife.
An interesting part:
"Heka was associated with tremendous and terrible powers mastered by Re and Pharaoh. However, although magic could express in many things and different kinds of magicians existed (cf. infra), Egyptian magic was closely related with the expression of an idea (Sia) through creative speech (Hu). In this process of creation through the Great Word, Heka does not represent the power of conception (taking place in the mind), nor its utterance (taking place on the tongue). Heka was the "protection" of this intelligent creative speech against anything or anybody trying to counter it. So Heka was there to break resistances."
In Ancient Egypt, the common ground between religion and magic is intelligent (Sia) creative speech (Hu). This sheds a completely different light on the spirituality of the Egyptians, far more concerned with mental factors than recent Egyptology has put into evidence.
I can notice there is a diversity when talking about Heka. For further research, I will post the sites where I got the references from.
I have made some notes, and I will share them. Most of different websites, but parts I found very interesting.
I will first share these notes, maybe later I will try writing about it, using these notes.
".....to me belonged the universe before you gods had come into being. You have come afterwards because I am Heka." - Coffin texts, part of spell 261, First Intermediate Period to Middle Kingdom
Heka - There is a deep meaning about what Heka represents.
God, deity, the power of words, magic. There are different texts dealing with what Heka is.
In the Coffin Texts, Spell 261, it says that Heka existed:
"before duality had yet come into being"
Heka - the primeval potency that empowered the creator-god at the beginning of time
Heka - is the great creative force or life-supporting energy that connects the subjects, resources and other symbols of life with the almighty universe, which a magician must attempt to learn in order to work magic in an effective way.
About magick: "To become Heka is to acquire a power beyond the cosmic realm and so one able to manipulate everything part of creation."
"... in other words, heka also signifies consecration of universal energy that in turn refers to god`s ability to empower humans with creative thought and reactions and later convert them into their physical formations in the mortal world.
From the time of the Early Dynastic Period, and developed during the Old Kingdom of Egypt (c. 2613-2181 BCE), Heka was linked to the creative aspects of the heart and the tongue. The heart was considered the seat of one's individual personality, thought, and feeling, while the tongue gave expression to these aspects. Sia was a personification of the heart, Hu of the tongue, and Heka the power which infused both
"...'he who consecrates the ka' and he is called 'Lord of the Kas' in the Coffin Texts. (110)"
The ka was one of the nine parts of the soul (the astral self) and was linked with the ba (the human-headed bird aspect of the soul which could travel between earth and heaven) which, at death, became transformed to the akh (the immortal soul). Heka was therefore originally the deity who watched over one's soul, gave one's soul power, energy, and allowed it to be elevated in death to the afterlife.
An interesting part:
"Heka was associated with tremendous and terrible powers mastered by Re and Pharaoh. However, although magic could express in many things and different kinds of magicians existed (cf. infra), Egyptian magic was closely related with the expression of an idea (Sia) through creative speech (Hu). In this process of creation through the Great Word, Heka does not represent the power of conception (taking place in the mind), nor its utterance (taking place on the tongue). Heka was the "protection" of this intelligent creative speech against anything or anybody trying to counter it. So Heka was there to break resistances."
In Ancient Egypt, the common ground between religion and magic is intelligent (Sia) creative speech (Hu). This sheds a completely different light on the spirituality of the Egyptians, far more concerned with mental factors than recent Egyptology has put into evidence.
I can notice there is a diversity when talking about Heka. For further research, I will post the sites where I got the references from.
domingo, 26 de novembro de 2017
I was thinking about the aspects of Balance. We must remember that we have four important points.
Physical - Emotional - Mental - Spiritual
Four pillars that need our constant observation and work. Often we end up giving too much attention to one or some of them, leaving others in imbalance. I was reflecting about this yesterday as I read an excerpt from the book "The Mystic Kabbalah - Dion Fortune."
I was sitting in front of the beach, where could feel the wind and hear the waves. I really appreciate those moments, because they bring interesting insights. That's when I stopped to think about it.
Where is the focus? Sometimes we go so far into something that other points get out of balance.
As I pondered this, I was "visiting" every aspect and seeing where and what I was working on each of these pillars, from those points, and observing those in which I needed to put more attention.
What was good and what needed improvement.
What I'm doing for the spiritual, the mental, the emotional, and the physical. How each of them are at the moment.
It was a good exercise in self-observation.
Balance - always. Consciousness - essential.
Physical - Emotional - Mental - Spiritual
Four pillars that need our constant observation and work. Often we end up giving too much attention to one or some of them, leaving others in imbalance. I was reflecting about this yesterday as I read an excerpt from the book "The Mystic Kabbalah - Dion Fortune."
I was sitting in front of the beach, where could feel the wind and hear the waves. I really appreciate those moments, because they bring interesting insights. That's when I stopped to think about it.
Where is the focus? Sometimes we go so far into something that other points get out of balance.
As I pondered this, I was "visiting" every aspect and seeing where and what I was working on each of these pillars, from those points, and observing those in which I needed to put more attention.
What was good and what needed improvement.
What I'm doing for the spiritual, the mental, the emotional, and the physical. How each of them are at the moment.
It was a good exercise in self-observation.
Balance - always. Consciousness - essential.
sábado, 25 de novembro de 2017
The necessary pause
Often on our journey, we feel tired, lost, or simply perceive a need to stop and breathe. Whether it be sitting under a tree, and closing your eyes, or just straying from the path, going to a higher place to admire the landscape and the beautiful sunset.
Is it wasting time? Is it "wrong" ? I don't think so
There is a need for this pause. Leaving aside a little the intensity of walking, of seeking, of wanting to know. Of taking one step after another, often looking only down, focusing on the path, the stones, the holes. Or be absent-minded, thinking about the ultimate goal, upon arrival. But what about the surrounding landscape? That soft breeze that touches our face, the smell of grass after a rainy day, the singing of a bird in the spring?
That flower that shines with the drops of the morning dew, or the silence of a starry night ...
This is not losing track of your quest. That pause may even be the most essential part of it. The moment when we actually feel alive and connected.
Maybe the pause would be getting out of the whirlwind of thoughts, and often the agonizing sense of stagnation of being lost. The anxiety of wondering, and finding answers.
And then you just walk away for a moment. You decide to climb that little hill to admire the sunset, and suddenly you realize that you see your own path below, from another perspective. Your vision extends beyond you, and you realize much more than if you were only focused on every step of your way.
You see the sky, you see beyond the horizon, and you can see that there is more, much more.
Breathe, calm down, calm the mind, the body, the heart. And suddenly, feel in that calm feeling, in that inner peace, what the Universe has to tell you.
The pause, the brief withdrawal, does not mean a waste of time, abandonment, deviation. It means maturity, growth. Just like the waves of the sea, in their movement to come and go. The gentle swing of the trees carried by the summer wind from side to side.
We are also cyclical, we are also timeless, we are also motion.
After this pause, this reflection, we stand up, with a smile on the face, a feeling of peace in the heart, and we return for our walk. With new thoughts, new expectations, new sensations.
Rested, in peace, inspired.
sexta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2017
A. S.acred E.ndless T.ime
Let Her wings carry me Home
Where my True Self Is
Where my heart really belongs...
Let me be in the flames, death, and rebirth
Be Her Child, be blessed and be cursed
and from nothing, all I should be.
Oh Great Energy that is all around me
Golden Serpent that awakens so strong
Embrace me, like me and You are One.
Sacred Source, Universe in move
Silent is my heart as I listen to You
On the ground, I become just the sky
As the night falls, so bright are the stars
grains of sand, that now I became
stardust, in a peaceful way
Home is above, I shall be
where the seven manifest
and we become three
Let Her eyes be placed upon me
and We become one more time One
As I mirror the same love for Thee
Where my True Self Is
Where my heart really belongs...
Let me be in the flames, death, and rebirth
Be Her Child, be blessed and be cursed
and from nothing, all I should be.
Oh Great Energy that is all around me
Golden Serpent that awakens so strong
Embrace me, like me and You are One.
Sacred Source, Universe in move
Silent is my heart as I listen to You
On the ground, I become just the sky
As the night falls, so bright are the stars
grains of sand, that now I became
stardust, in a peaceful way
Home is above, I shall be
where the seven manifest
and we become three
Let Her eyes be placed upon me
and We become one more time One
As I mirror the same love for Thee
terça-feira, 21 de novembro de 2017
Kemet - The year of Revelation
(Saara - Egypt - 2015 - By Lynskha)
Today, I have received a gem. One of the most beautiful, Sacred, and powerful book I've had in my hands, regarding how it made me feel.
Kemet - The year of Revelation is a wonderful book by Luis Marques - Aset Ka publication, simple in the way it presents the pictures, intense in the way these pictures speak to those Souls aligned to their vibration.
For those who feel a deep connection with Ancient Egypt and its Spirituality different feelings may appear while going through the pages of such amazing piece of art.
I am still overwhelmed by what I felt while opening the package. From the expectation before receiving it to the moment I had it in my hands, a mix of feelings came to happen to me.
Kemet is just home. No words needed to explain the way I feel, no words enough.
We can learn, feel, remember, things from many different sources, but I believe that the most important one is inside us all, and some keys are necessary to trigger this knowledge, memories, feelings, that we carry.
Sacred for me. I respect, I cherish, I feel love.
This is not about an Order, a country, a person, a group, a book.
This is about the Energy it represents.
If we remove the tags, titles, words, and get just to the core of it, no forms, no structures, no descriptions, we have the Source. We have what is really Real, what matters to our inner growth.
That is what I have been learning. That is what I have been feeling. It is not a closed and limited structure. Not something to bind us, and make us follow it blindly.
Home is where our heart is.
I feel home.
When we seek, we have to follow our hearts.
"...Does this path have a heart? If it does, the path is good; if it doesn't, it is of no use. Both paths lead nowhere, but one has a heart, the other doesn't. One makes for a joyful journey; as long as you follow it, you are one with it. The other will make you curse your life. One makes you strong; the other weakens you."
The teachings of Don Juan: a Yaqui way of knowledge
Carlos Castaneda
segunda-feira, 20 de novembro de 2017
Tales of an Ancient Heat - Decision
"Tales of an Ancient heart - Decision"
" She was sitting, facing the river. Her hands moving slowly on the water as her thoughts took her to a distant place. She was just now silent and traveling her own memories and questions. She was feeling lost.
Behind her, the Temple had its own energy, surrounding her.
The setting sun brought the single melody she could hear every afternoon, as she used to go to the same place, just to be able to feel it.
But today, it was different. She needed to make a decision, she needed to step into the new and unknown.
She was afraid, but she could not demonstrate it. She closed her eyes, and in Silence, she could hear the beating of her heart and the vibration of Her soul.
She was there, and She has always been. Her touch could be felt in the gentle wind, blowing that night, that was just starting.
The stars were shining above, mirrored in the water below.
She was a daughter of the Nile, and through her, the song of the stars could be heard.
So many questions taking her into an infinite maze. That was her task, that was her test, and she knew, she would face one of the most terrible monsters, as she was gazing into her own eyes...
"What is there to be feared, child?"
She was lost in her own thoughts. The only light now was the one coming from the fire, close to the entrance. From a distance, the shadows seemed to dance, and the sky had a Violet tone.
They were waiting for her, She was waiting for Her.
Standing, she began walking, slowly, but sure about what she was going to do.
At the middle of the Temple, he was waiting. He knew she was going to return.
Now, everything has disappeared, and the flames and she turned into One."
domingo, 19 de novembro de 2017
Dealing with everyday routine can be something beyond words to be described. People tend to keep a rhythm that sometimes is out of the natural flow we should be living.
When there is something else we seek, it can become even more intense, as the perception of the surroundings gets affected by the capacity of seeing beyond the first layers of what is being presented.
This "something else" tends to be the fire that ignites our will to begin our Journey, in the quest for Self-knowing.
There are many doors, many options, from the most basic, to the most complex one, that tries to explain the reason for existence.
Looking for answers, and many times getting to more questions, I found myself inside Asetianism studies.
What I can say in these first words, from a very recent approach to it, is that Aset Ka holds a powerful and Sacred teaching.
Being a Path of freedom, it inspires the person to see beyond its own layers.
I believe the Journey of Self-discovery, inner growth, is one that speaks directly to your Soul. That has the capacity to make you feel that it vibrates in every cell of your body, and matches the energy of your Soul.
I admire everything with a mature and serious approach of such complicate matter as occultism, because dealing with Spirituality, metaphysics, and vampirism is many times a point of argument, misguided information, and all kinds of problems possible to be found, most of them due to ego or lack of knowledge.
In these steps inside Asetianism, I could see this maturity and seriousness to talk about these subjects, in a way they make me feel at peace. (And many times chaotic, as a tool for necessary changes).
I enjoy the way each person has a specific lesson. It is intense, it is hard, but I feel home, as the sense of "home" for me is when something makes you feel comfortable in the way it resonates with you.
When there is something else we seek, it can become even more intense, as the perception of the surroundings gets affected by the capacity of seeing beyond the first layers of what is being presented.
This "something else" tends to be the fire that ignites our will to begin our Journey, in the quest for Self-knowing.
There are many doors, many options, from the most basic, to the most complex one, that tries to explain the reason for existence.
Looking for answers, and many times getting to more questions, I found myself inside Asetianism studies.
What I can say in these first words, from a very recent approach to it, is that Aset Ka holds a powerful and Sacred teaching.
Being a Path of freedom, it inspires the person to see beyond its own layers.
I believe the Journey of Self-discovery, inner growth, is one that speaks directly to your Soul. That has the capacity to make you feel that it vibrates in every cell of your body, and matches the energy of your Soul.
I admire everything with a mature and serious approach of such complicate matter as occultism, because dealing with Spirituality, metaphysics, and vampirism is many times a point of argument, misguided information, and all kinds of problems possible to be found, most of them due to ego or lack of knowledge.
In these steps inside Asetianism, I could see this maturity and seriousness to talk about these subjects, in a way they make me feel at peace. (And many times chaotic, as a tool for necessary changes).
I enjoy the way each person has a specific lesson. It is intense, it is hard, but I feel home, as the sense of "home" for me is when something makes you feel comfortable in the way it resonates with you.
About this project
Em Hotep.
I have created this blog to share a personal view about my studies related to Asetianism. In capital letters I want to inform: THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL BLOG AND I AM NOT A MEMBER OF ASET KA.
My intention is to use this space as a way of posting insights, basic information, and texts or poems I may create in unique moments of inspiration.
I have a deep respect for Aset Ka and the teachings this Order brings. And I also respect other paths. So I expect respect to flow in both ways.
I am just a student of the mysteries of the Universe, and the greatest quest of all, that is the Self-knowledge.
Let the Universe guide me in this new step of the Eternal Journey.
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