quinta-feira, 4 de abril de 2024

A world of gradual transformations


                              (image by Lynskha, twitter jan,08 2019)

Em Hotep ☥

Realizing that time is something we cannot control. For me, understanding that the processes of growth and internal evolution have their own timing was something very important. Many of us, when embarking on a journey to learn more about ourselves, about life, death, magic, occultism, start from a point within ourselves where we may or may not have a certain baggage. For me, the beginning was an interesting process, especially when I started to come into contact with Asetianism.

I already believed to possess certain knowledge that was aligned with my connection to Egypt and the Egyptian gods, especially Aset.

I understood certain things within myself, was aware of internal movements and events that I always sought to observe, understand, practice, and improve. However, with the ups and downs that the Path brings, I began to realize that the initiatic process indeed unfolds little by little, day by day, and often in a subtle way that seems like it is not happening.

It's not fireworks coming out of one's hands, it's not any kind of fantastical awakening. It's not memories of past lives that suddenly emerge, it's not an awareness of belonging to a certain lineage.

In daily life, when we are more conscious of ourselves, we can notice the nuances of change. And for me, this has been one of the greatest processes. Understanding Asetianism as part of me is to truly feel it as my own. Everyone has their experience within the path, within this journey, but for me, today, much more than before, it is mine. True and real. Almost like feeling it physically with a vibration in the middle of my chest. A love.

I feel, perhaps a bit lax in dedicating myself to certain practices and studies, as daily life swallows me with the various necessary tasks to be done, however, just realizing that this energy is part of me, is here, touches me, and makes me happy simply to have found or refound this path to this place that is so familiar, a home.

With the arrival of the Primordial Dragon Tradition, and I call it arrival due to the short time of contact with this energy, I realized the greatness that exists within all of this, even more so. And I feel honored to have been touched by it. I still approach it with care, and primarily with respect and devotion. Devotion to something that is much, much greater than me, and that I can only offer this humble look of devotion and longing for learning.

I am very grateful to be where I am, to be who I am, and to have had this growth. These steps are gradual and bring this evolution in different gradients, in different nuances. Balance.

I believe it is in our daily lives, in our manifested plane, that we need to feel this, because it is of no use to have an illusion of greatness in other spheres if we do not know and master ourselves in our most basic plane.

Vampirism becomes a secondary subject because it, to me, is part of me, not as something special, not as something alien, foreign, and strange to me, but what I am, in essence.

It seems strange to speak in this way, in essence, because it would be like a limiting agent, but if I continue to look more and more at the subtle forms that compose me, I see my essence diluted, fluid, connected to the Whole, a much greater energy, the Tao.

So, in my view, it's as if I see in layers, and one of the closest to what I am, in essence, while closest to this plane is the one I mentioned above.

These words are just a sharing of a personal opinion, with my experiences, my journey, but with the feeling of wanting to share how powerful Asetianism is as a Tradition, which manifests differently for each one, resonates differently, and will bring teachings, learning, evolution in some way. Whether for those who always return, for those who truly feel it is something of themselves, or for those who only deal with the spark of this power for a few moments. No one comes out unscathed. That's good. Because everything changes and transforms with movement, what is stagnant does not evolve. And changes can occur in various ways, through various tools, and I repeat, no one comes out unscathed from contact with Asetianism.


segunda-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2024

The sweet surrender...

Em Hotep ☥

There was a conversation on Discord that made me reflect on various aspects of the Journey within Asetianism. This inspired me to write, encouraged by some members of the community. What I am about to share, like most of what I write, is of a personal nature, reflecting my thoughts, feelings, and experiences. They speak of things that reflect my own experiences, so they are not technical, official information, or anything of the sort. They are not "teachings," judgments, or opinions that should be taken as anything more than personal reflections.

I've been in contact with the Asetianist community for several years, and with the teachings, I can say I've had many highs and lows. The reflections that follow are:

I realize that the warning has always been there: Exercise caution when approaching Asetianism; it is a "dangerous" path. Many interpret this wrongly, and that already demonstrates the lens through which they view this warning. Caution is more than necessary, especially because it will stir internal forces, mental and emotional. Asetianism destabilizes you, yes, and it would be untrue to say otherwise. It mainly shakes the ego, assumptions, even if one thinks otherwise, it will shake you.

It will bring about a sense of grandiosity, arrogance, and will exaggerate various feelings. It will bring "memories" of belonging, memories of lives where one was this or that, all-powerful. It will bring the sensation of "I already knew this," "I already know this." "I can teach people"; "I already have knowledge". "I am already the greatest master". It brings sensations, illusions, and if a person is not prepared, it drives them mad.

It's like a sweet poison that takes over your veins, slowly, seducing, lulling, and also exciting. It sweetens moments seductively, like a snake sensually wrapping around the body.

And then comes the sweet surrender. It can be positive when the surrender is genuine, when you go with the flow, when the energy, the "poison," can be absorbed, integrated, when you can handle it, unlike when you surrender to madness, when you want more and more, and it dominates you. Your own ego dominates you. You fall into the abyss of illusions, and you believe that it is the absolute truth, that you reign, that you are the ruler of that kingdom, of the universe, and that everything revolves around you.

The fall may come, but the illusion is so great that it is felt as a dance of illusions, like something like "I'm not falling, I'm flowing," but the reality is different.

When we accept how little we know, when we realize the illusion, we are truly able to learn. We fall, we get up, we learn, with the necessary humility to recognize this. There is no shame in admitting that you don't know, recognizing yourself as small.

The sense of "grandeur" may come from the description of the power of an Asetian. And then, in the illusion of grandeur that some may have to "declare" themselves as Asetians, recognizing flaws would take away all the merit of that illusion.

I'm not here to judge anyone or anyone's actions. However, I am letting the words flow, as I said at the beginning, based on things I have lived and am living. In my own highs and lows, and in the peace I find today by recognizing the ignorance I carry, but in the same proportion or even greater is my desire to learn, grow, and evolve.

I continue my journey, now with a smaller baggage, carrying less weight in my backpack, and still getting rid of everything that does not bring me growth and takes away my peace.

I follow my steps, alone, as Asetianism is, a personal, individual path, but unified within a Great Force, Family.

Asetianism is something organic, developing in a peculiar and particular way for each, but I am very grateful for the exchange I have with the community, with people who beautifully love and defend the Legacy of Aset Ka.


    (image by Lynskha, twitter nov,12 2018)

segunda-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2023

Expectations and some personal words...

Do not expect the world to change overnight without any effort. Do not expect to perform magical feats like fireworks shooting from your fingertips, or to transform into a super wizard, vampire, or some other powerful being. It will depend a lot on what you understand as power, as mastery. Starting from the internal, from oneself.
When we embark on paths of study focused on occultism, spirituality, many tend to have high expectations, and when the results are not as expected or even contrary to expectations, going in the opposite direction, many reactions can occur.
Asetianism is something like that. Unexpected. Powerful. Unique.
And with that also comes the contact with "The Way of the Primordial Dragon."
It's not something simple. It's complex. It's Ancient, very Ancient and Powerful.
Bringing a bit of what I think and feel, I seek to approach it with the utmost respect and reverence. It is a Primordial energy, as the name of the Tradition itself suggests.
The Triad carries a very powerful intertwining, and we need to approach it with that feeling, I think.
Little by little, I realized how things change. Everything in life moves, yes, but I can perceive the intensity of some changes, as well as the stagnation in other areas, and breaking free from this paralysis, breaking free from this inertia depends on my own movement.
It is necessary to put into action the lessons learned. It is necessary to deal with this energy in the most subtle to the most intense way. The power is indeed within each of us, but accessing it goes through various stages.
Being worthy of touching even a spark of this energy involves much more than simple wanting or desire.
Discipline, Devotion, Respect and Love are necessary.
Those on the outside often do not understand and will interpret in various and erroneous ways what those inside this "current," this family, and this Tradition feel.
Asetianism is a Path for the few. Primordial Dragon is a Tradition for the few. Not because it is exclusive, but because it naturally affects each individual. Organically it develops, welcomes, or withdraws, as dealing with these forces is not for everyone.
Studying the Paths of this Tradition requires more, much more than just being there. It may be simpler than one thinks when looking at the simplicity of what a spiritual path can be, but it is much more complex than we imagine and desire because it is indeed individual. A web that weaves itself as it is studied, developing, with mistakes, successes, ordeals, achievements, defeats, joys, and difficulties.
The maturity that time brings makes us have different perspectives on what we feel. And the exchange with those who have similar thoughts helps a lot. The community provides learning and mutual growth.
Many of us, for many years, living day by day. A community that shares Honor, Love, and Devotion. Each one treading their individual path but feeling that, like waves, we can feel the energy emanating from the teachings of Master Marques, from those who are always assisting and teaching something, whether directly or indirectly, contributing to the development and evolution of those who seek this sincerely.
Therefore, as I said at the beginning, do not expect things to be easy, that everything becomes clear as if by magic because, in my opinion, if that is the sensation of what presents itself so quickly, it will be nothing more than a cheap, false, childish magic trick, just to deceive oneself and satisfy the empty ego.
I am very grateful for all the learning so far, even with my moments of complete silence, introspection, and almost giving up, I feel that being a part of this, in some way, brings me evolution, and that in some way, I can also give back.
With Love, Respect, Reverence, and Devotion.

sábado, 29 de julho de 2023

Balance - Therapy

Balance - Therapy

The importance of balance in the journey of the occult and spiritual evolution is something essential. Given the nature of how studies and practices can delve into profound places within us, it is imperative that mental health is always a priority.

It is not uncommon to see suggestions for people to undergo therapy and how beneficial it is for life in general, as it improves various aspects. Combining therapy with studies focused on occultism/spirituality becomes of utmost importance because, as mentioned above, there are places within us that are often unexplored or that we would rather not deal with.

Another issue is that the ego often becomes exaggerated, causing various emotions to surface, one of them being the feeling of being "all-powerful." There can be a mix of feelings, from selfishness, arrogance, and an excessive sense of importance to the opposite, the sensation of fighting for everything, believing oneself to be the owner of the truth, the most spiritually evolved being on Earth, etc.

When dealing with the therapeutic process, it is possible to use it in a very beneficial way, precisely to cope with these feelings and emotions that arise or intensify in our spiritual journey. It often makes us realize very relevant things, such as the case of "fantasies and assumptions" created by our minds to deceive ourselves.

This does not invalidate "paranormal" experiences, as I myself have gone through and continue to experience various situations that are deemed "unexplainable." However, I also acknowledge, much more nowadays, the traps of my own mind in creating situations.

We know that there are many things that are beyond our perceptions, explanations, etc. This world, being a "projection" of the "real" world, is far beyond what we can perceive with our senses, which are still limited. Just like science, which gradually evolves and confirms or refutes already established theories.

Therapy deals with very individualized issues of the person and will aid in the recognition of certain situations, allowing us to analyze, apply, use, or discard them. It is not an obligation or an official requirement, but an additional tool for the formation, evolution, and growth of the individual.

sábado, 1 de abril de 2023

Some thoughts...

I am here to share some personal feelings. What is the thing that bonds people when it comes to a path? It's interesting to feel that there is just something unique that cannot be exactly described when it comes to Asetianism and Primordial Dragon Tradition. People who do not know each other, who live in different countries with different backgrounds, may not always agree, and sometimes argue due to different ways of thinking, but they still respect each other and respect the path. 

These are people who remain loyal to something they cherish and know is important. 

There may be different levels of interaction with the path itself, and the depth to which each person dives is too personal to discuss. Also, the reasons that bring us here may vary. But what I can see is that there is a reason, there is a purpose. Even those who, after some time, realize they do not align with the path, had a reason to even get in touch with it. 

Since it is a path with its particularities, there is something that attracts people and causes changes.

 Regarding Primordial Dragon Tradition, I am studying, feeling, and learning a lot of things about it. But so far, what I can say is that I am very happy that we can find something so beautiful and powerful. 

Like many things related to Asetianism, this also expands in an organic way inside each individual. It is a path to be explored with caution, free of ego, and distorted intentions. It deals with forces that go beyond any description. So Primordial, so Ancient, so Powerful. 

It is important to note that, like many things in the occult world, the "other side" is always there. There are people with bad intentions, people who are against evolution, and people who could be called "enemies." 

Unfortunately, we know that sometimes we also become targets, being attacked either directly or in attempts in terms of magic. 

Some try to silence us in many ways because it becomes a "thorn in their side." We need to remain vigilant. 

Remain united. 

terça-feira, 28 de março de 2023

Rekindling the flames


Em Hotep.☥ᛉ

After a long hiatus, I am back. Many things happened through these years, and I believe  everything was important, helping in the Journey.

It was a personal decision, and I say that returning now was a special moment for me, aligned to what I needed, and I believe that everything happens for a reason. Even away from many things, Aset has always been my guide.

This year I came to know about The Primordial Dragon Tradition, and it is something I would like to talk about.

When I first entered the site I was amazed by the beauty and energy it contains. As I explored it, my impressions left me breathless. 

I can't describe what impressed me more, but I am very happy to see the seriousness one more time appearing in everything Luis Marques and Aset Ka do. The wonderful work with all the research, linking history, spirituality, occultism, magick. It binds everything, and also those who are loyal to the Path.

For those who are interested in magick, and love studying and learning, I strongly reccomend the website. The entwined lines of everything is just something to be appreciated.

Then, they had the release of The Arcana, and it was a special moment for those who cherish this Tradition. 

I believe it is a priviledge we all have. All the comments made by Nadia, Dawn, Sybil and others Asetianists corroborate the value this deck has, and also the power of the Tradition. It reinforces and enhance this wonderful tool and everything that is connected to it.

Some of the people that have received the Arcana, in a few words, were able to describe how wonderful it is.

I believe that, once I get mine, I will be able to explore it more, with all the Love and Respect it deserves.

For now, it is all I can say, especially because I feel it is a path we should explore deeply, being careful, but also requiring dedication for the studies.

I am thankful for Luis Marques being this incredible Master that genuinely deliver us unique magick, guiding us on this Path. I am also grateful for the Asetinist community, and all the wonderful and enriching conversations at the discord channel.

quinta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2019

The judgment

Reflecting on many things over the past month, I have observed how ups and downs occur all the time.
Moments when certainties run out through the fingers like sand.

Stopping to observe from a neutral point of view is difficult, but necessary. And that's when, once again, we stare into our reflection, and our shadow, our demons are reflected in our eyes. Things we keep in a private Pandora's box, but that are there. Obstacles that we think we have won, but that have just been swept under the rug.
I realized how easy it is to judge. And it comes from the feeling of being judged.
The irritation of thinking that certain behaviors are expected. What intentions could be "x or y" of people with regard to their being, and their expectations.
A looping of irritation and judgment, projecting into the surroundings, maybe our own frustration.
I realized that we created expectations about certain things. We begin to control the behavior of others from our point of view and from our own expectations.

Thoughts like, "But that's not how I think they should act." "Wow, they're being extremists and radicals." "They seem to be talking arrogantly as if they wanted to get an air of knowing everything."
Judgments. And without realizing it we do it all the time.
But often we only realize it when we become their target, and we feel wronged.
"Why are you pushing me this way?" "They are not understanding my way of acting and wanting me to follow a pattern".
When we are uncomfortable with something, it is very likely that we may be doing the same in return.
Waiting for a pattern is judging.
And at this point, here comes a particular moment. An outburst in realizing how much more internally than externally I have done and keep doing so.
How much my disappointment with certain things, groups, people, was, in fact, a projected expectation of what I would like to find and that I thought it would be as it should be.
Once again I thought, I hoped, and that would be my vision. My way of feeling and seeing things, and hoping it would be so with others.

Herein lies the lack of respect. It is necessary to respect the space of the other, the way each one manifests in himself his passions, his tastes. The way that each one externalizes what he brings within himself. My fail. My lack of respect. My flaw to respect the way others are and act.
Whether this exteriorization is characterized by beautiful and flowery words or texts that sound arrogant or elitist. Whether this form of manifestation is more timid and contained, or more verbal and angry.
Each individual is an individual.
To feel that you have the freedom taken, is, first of all, you putting yourself shackles, often for not wanting to disappoint somebody and to try to meet the expectations of others.
Realizing that it affects you in some way is because there is something there. Especially because you care about their opinion, and value them. And often there is respect and affection, and you respect so much that you try not to disappoint, but there you fall into the error of not being yourself, out of fear. And at that point, you fail.
I feel that there are many things that need to be worked out. Emotional aspects that make us realize how wrong we are, how often we stumble and fall.
Moments that are our greatest learning. People who, even in a painful way, are our greatest teachers.

I leave here an immense thanks to a special person who helped me in a conversation to see things better through the light of Dawn.

There is much still to ponder. But the path of each is individual and the way of living it as well.
Within the path of vampirism, there are innumerable things to go through. Much to deal with and one of them is precisely the confrontation with oneself.
Within the path of vampirism, which in my view is one of the many layers that we deal with, that we possess, there are innumerable systems and tools that can be used for growth and evolution.
Not everyone looks for evolution, not all seek power.
I think that criticizing the way, and the way of each one is not productive, at least for me.
There are those who within the occult seek satisfaction for something, others who only want the fireworks. There are serious seekers, there are curious ones. Anyway, there are different reasons why you are looking for something.

I know that many get angry at the distortions because they lead new, ignorant people to error and deal with false or ridiculous things.
I know that many are struggling to get things done in a more serious and clear way.
But, in my opinion, criticizing something you dislike, every five words you use, every post or text is also not nice.

Saying bad things about other systems or traditions, just because you do not like them, is unnecessary, but that is my opinion.

And even within groups, there are conflicts and contradictions. For they are people, and people possess their instruments of interpretation, which is affected by their experiences. One person will not see one event in the same way as the other. What they carry within them is decisive for the perspective they will have.
What has happened in the past, can bring reactions of defense, roughness, or lightness and serenity.
And again, a personal thing I will write here is, just because I interact with different people, that may have a different and opposite opinion about things I deal with, does not mean I am a "traitor". I try to act friendly with people. Am I going to be judged by that? For sure. But that is me. And that is something I will also have to deal with.

If I do not fiercely stand up and fight in some occasions, does not mean it is because I agree or disagree.
In the end, we will always be judged, and judge as well, even if we try to think we won't.
And we always judge ourselves.

I am here, slowly letting things flow better.

May we be lighter in our Journey and chosen path, leaving behind unnecessary heavy things.


Em Hotep.